Strawberry Point: a little glacier lake camp

Megan and I’s first camp since we were kids! How amazing to be reunited with my sister and best friend. I’m so incredibly thankful that she’s come out to visit for the summer and to be able to show her this stunning place I now call home.

Friday after work we packed up the car, of course bringing Napoleon along, and headed up to Pemberton where we’d car camp for two nights.

We had a beautiful clear day for our drive, it’s incredible to drive the sea to sky highway without a cloud in the sky. We got there just in time to snag one of the last sites and get in for a cold swim before setting up camp and making dinner.

The next day was overcast so we had a nice warm fire on the beach and still managed to get in some swims. The water was so cold but refreshing! I got to show Megan my TRAK for the first time in person and got out for a nice paddle. In the afternoon, Megan and Napoleon joined me on the water. It was a relaxing day with some good reads by the fire, and a classic steak dinner.

After a cheeky swim in the morning we packed up camp and headed to Fergie’s for brunch. It was a fantastic weekend away and just the start of the adventures to come for Megan and I this summer! So stoked!!

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