Norway: an artic swim and midnight paddle in Reine

Today I took a little ferry to Bunes beach with some people I’d met on my adventures – two cousins from the states and a guy from Switzerland. It was nice to have some company for the day. The walk to the beach was an easy 45 min and the beach was beautiful – no development at all, just this huge white sandy beach amongst the mountains. You know a girl had to swim!! The water temperature was 5-6c, probably the coldest I’ve been in but it wasn’t too windy and the sun was strong. After having lunch we headed back and went our separate ways. In the evening I went on a midnight sun kayak tour, which was unbelievable. It’s so crazy to have the sun out all the time! At this time of the year, the sun literally never sets. We started our paddle around 9pm and got back just after midnight. The water was the calmest it’s been, it was like glass and we were able to kayak deep into the fjord (and eat more seaweed). I’ve been incredibly lucky with the weather so far, fingers crossed it continues especially for camping tomorrow night!!

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  1. Lindsay McCarthy says:

    Retire here so I can come visit

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