Norway: kayaking Nærøyfjord Day 3

Today we paddled from our camp in Dyrdal to Undredal, where we were picked up by the bus to take us back to the kayak center to grab our stuff before heading to the airport. I had hoped we’d get more kayaking in today, but it did take us a while to get to airport and get everything organized. I think a few group members were happy to be finished, not having a lot of previous kayaking experience. The tour website claims you average about 12km of kayaking on day 1 & 3, I didn’t track it but feel like it may not have been that long. Will see if I can get actuals from our group. Now I’m off further north in Norway to Bodo to spend the night before catching my ferry to the Lofoten Islands tomorrow morning, which I am beyond stoked for!!

These two crazies stood up (they were in doubles at least haha)

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